Staff FAQ
You can find this season’s dates and rates here. There is no camp on July 4th. Staff must work all 39 days of camp and attend all orientation sessions which occur on a few June weeknights and weekends.
For campers, camp runs every day from 9 am – 4 pm. Staff members not riding camp vehicles arrive by 8:30 am and leave directly after the buses pull out at 4:00 pm. We are extremely organized and attentive to detail. Our program focuses on providing opportunities for campers to try new things, have fun and be active participants in all we have to offer. Group counselors stay with the same group of campers all day while specialists teach a particular activity.
If you are interested in working at Willow Lake please complete an online application. Once Willow Lake reviews your application, we may select you to come to camp for a face-to face interview. All applicants must also submit multiple references and are subject to a background check.
Our staff members serve as role models to our campers and are expected to maintain a neat and professional appearance. Each day of the summer, Willow Lake staff wear staff shirts which we provide. All staff (besides lifeguards) must wear sneakers and athletic or casual shorts each day as we are a very active camp. All group counselors are required to swim with their campers and must wear bathing suits while at the pool. Lifeguards and group counselors should also bring towels. No extremes in hair color, piercings or body art are permitted.
Our compensation is very competitive and varies by position. Staff are paid at the end of weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8. We provide our staff with the same quality lunch that our campers eat which includes a hot entrée, full salad bar and fresh fruit. All food we serve is prepared in a nut aware environment and is readied with no nut oils or products.
We interview thousands of applicants each year to find the right mix of people. We have high expectations for our staff and expect everybody to work as a team. Our goal is to provide each camper with a safe and happy summer. We know that you will find working here a fulfilling experience!
We are supportive of our staff and committed to your success at camp. We have an intensive orientation process before camp starts and we offer continued guidance and support throughout the summer.