Little Willows

For Pre-K & Kindergarten Campers

We have carefully created a unique and specialized program that ensures our youngest campers have a perfect blend of care and adventure.  Our staff are keenly aware of campers’ needs and energy levels.  Their nurturing and hand holding along with loads of fun keep the biggest smiles on little faces!

Our Little Willows program and facilities are largely set apart from the faster pace of our main camp.  Our specifically designed facilities allow these campers to experience most activities on a smaller scale to meet their needs.


  • Separate changing rooms with extra bathrooms and water coolers
  • Our heated “Frog” pool which is 2 to 3 feet deep
  • Mini basketball, soccer, T-ball, tennis fields and courts
  • Little Willows Fine Art and Creative Art programs
  • Air-conditioned changing rooms
Girl on a slide.
A boy on a ropes course.
A child throwing a basketball.


We have crafted a daily schedule for our Little Willows that recognizes and celebrates the intellectual, social, emotional and physical skill levels of young children.


  • Great counselors and low camper to counselor ratio
  • Balanced schedule with instructional and free swim, sports, arts and both structured and creative play
  • Daily morning snack
  • Weekly Special Events
  • Slower paced day with additional time allotted for swim instruction

Parent communication is a priority to us and we stay in touch with camp families in many different ways throughout the summer: daily photos are on the website, “Ask Me About” stickers, swim certificates go home each time a child passes a swim level, weekly newsletters that are emailed home every Friday afternoon and phone calls from the Little Willows Unit Leader and camp directors a few times throughout the summer. We always return all calls and messages the same day.