2019 Fantasy Day – Enroll Now

  • Family Information

  • Camper Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Other Siblings

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • There is no charge to attend Fantasy Day! However, there is no guarantee of having space available as the event is operating on a first come, first accommodated basis. Please complete and return this enrollment form as soon as possible. Lunch will be provided.

  • Terms and Conditions

  • 1. Willow Lake Day Camp has my permission to allow my child(ren) to participate in all activities. To the best of my knowledge the camper(s) listed on this agreement is/are in sound physical and mental health and able to participate. Willow Lake Day Camp has the exclusive right to make all decisions regarding the camper(s)’ participation in the activities.

    2. Permission is granted to Willow Lake Day Camp to publish any photograph, video, or likeness of my child(ren) for commercial, advertising or any other purpose.

  • Clear Signature